
46 responses to “Guestbook”

  1. Queenv says:

    What a fantastic resource Vincent! I’m absorbed by your films and its wondrous to read / see them from your perspective too. Thanks

  2. Suri says:

    Congratulations — this really is a wonderful (& well overdue) site.

    I sincerely hope you keep refining & adding to it over time.

    I also hope the owner keeps making wonderful films & increases his output in future!

  3. Lindsay Shelton says:

    It’s a magnificent website, giving a very fine record of some very fine movies.

  4. Josh says:


    It has been said that a song by rock band Guns N’ Roses, \This I Love,\ was to be considered for a film by Ward, \What Dreams May Come.\

    Does Ward still have this version of the song?

    Great website by the way, very appealing.



  5. Nathalie Cellura says:

    This is such a great opportunity, this website, to tell you how unique and soul binding your movies are.

    “What Dreams May Come” has been my favorite movie for 10 years: the pleasure of painting, to vibrate with the fresh paint on the canvas, how hypnotic and exhilarating it is to a painter. And even though this movie was shot in Hollywood, there was room for true love, soulmates reuniting and saving the one you love to the risk of losing yourself.

    Then I discovered “Navigator” which is again a complete wonder to me: the photography is magnificent, the story is incredibly clever… And again one is captured by the human emotions and values expressed throughout the movie.

    ….. Excerpt

  6. Joshua Lam says:

    This website shows the artistic skill of a true genius!

  7. Interesting site. I really enjoyed Map of the Human Heart.

  8. Lovely site! The Navigator has been important to me, since I first saw it when it came out while I was in high school back in the late 80s. It mesmerized me then, and now. Twenty years on, I’ve written a novella about the plague, and time slip and magical realism novels about the middle ages, and I think I can trace a lot of that to the awe I felt, experiencing the strangeness of a different world (from both sides of that story). Thank you for making such a unique, visceral, emotional movie.

  9. Wanda says:

    A very lovely web site. The Navigator is your most memorable film for me. I loved the use of black and white in the medieval sequences and the scenes where the characters try to deal with 20th Century highways. I saw The Navigator when it came out in late 1980s and would love to watch it again.

    Thank you.

  10. Steven ODonogue says:

    Fascinating look at Arceon and the whole Alien 3 concept: looking forward to the rest of the story. The Alien Quadrilogy DVD was interesting, but this provides a whole new insight.

  11. Claus Georg Tornai says:

    Dear Mr. Ward,

    I’m a German journalist.
    Congratulations to your film “What Dreams May Come” with Robin Williams”. I love it!

    Kind regards

    Claus G. Tornai

  12. Amina E., Russia, Saint-Petersburg says:

    What I can add to the previous comments is that all films by Vincent Ward differ from the others in a big way. I especially enjoyed “What Dreams May Come” and “Map of the Humain Heart”. I`m looking forward to seeing new films and a new book which was promised to be published this year. I`m really impressed by the way you create your films and I can hardly compare your talent of a director & a screenwriter with somebody else. Thank you very much,best wishes.

    P.S. The site is beyond praise!

  13. Marc Silvestre says:


    i saw the documentary ” Rain of the children” yesterday and i ‘ve loved it !!!

  14. Florian says:

    Alien 3- well, that´s a long time ago now.
    But one thing is for sure: back in the days Hollywood studios were rather open to concepts of that kind than nowadays.
    On the other hand, would there have been a
    toyline of those sanctuaries instead of captain hook? I don´t think so.
    As soon as you publish that storyboard in form of a catalogue I´m your first customer.
    Best regards, the sci-fi fan Florian.

  15. vincent says:

    Thank you for you comments Florian,
    Yeah it would be great to make a book!
    We are hoping to post the next 2 chapters in a week or two.
    And the final chapter in about 3 months.

  16. vincent says:

    Thanks to everyone for posting.
    It is great to get your feed back.
    Look forward to hearing more.

  17. Stephanie says:

    I love your work, stunning. Did you do the theater in Marie’s room (What Dreams my Come)? I gasp every time I see it

  18. Anthony J. Maduska says:

    As an avid fan of the Alien(s) story I would like to deeply thank you for including your teams amazing conceptual drawings and storyboards here on your site. They are remarkable. And the creation of the ‘Unrequited Vision’ as a graphic novel adds depth and richness to a story that would have been a truly unique.

  19. Jeff Clougherty says:

    Great site, just found it. I’ve been trying to watch everything you made recently.
    I’d really love to know what became of Bruce Lyons from The Navigator. He’s a great actor, but seems to have popped in for 2 films and disappeared off the face of the earth. Where is he from? Any idea what he’s been up to all these years?
    Thanks for all the great films. The navigator is one of the most amazing I’ve ever watched.

  20. Joe Lacayo says:

    Map of the Human Heart, River Queen and the Navigator are three of my favorite films not only for their visual artistry and enduring images, but also the rich dialogue. I’m sure that many interpretations are possible, but I see the major themes involving the corruption of innocence and the destruction of native cultures by the dominant, materialistic western cultures. Have you published the screenplays of some your films? They would make an excellent book.

    Have you ever been the Gallup, New Mexico? It is the gateway to the Navajo Reservation and Zuni Pueblo. The history of both tribes and the beauty of the area would make excellent movies. What has happended to both cultures is a sad legacy of conquest and exploitation of native peoples and their land.

    I have enjoyde exploring your site and appreciate having the opportunity to provide comments and feedback.

  21. dan says:

    Just wondering if The Navigator will be coming out on DVD in the USA anytime in the near future. I remember being blown away by that film and would love to see it again!

  22. The Alien III resource is terrific. Eagerly awaiting the remaining installments as well as Ward’s next film project.

  23. Simon Sigley says:

    Hello Vincent Ward – I would like to know whether your films The River Queen and Rain of the Children were released in France.

    Many thanks.

  24. Te Kata (TK) says:

    Tena koe e hoa
    I want to thank you Vincent for bringing something inherently maaori and to the forefront of conventional society. Rain of the Children was a film with a context of Maori life (and times) that touched many similarities in my own life. The sometimes pagan but elemental spirituality of being and living in a Maori existence is not something easily equated or defined beyond the tongue. Often those (people) from outside the exposure of such life and the beliefs associated, have at best a minute sense of what it is like to live within such a synergy of whenua, tangata and wairua… the essences of being to which all levels of existence apply.

    I think I would be right is assuming many Maori from my generation of life and before could attribute their memories to someone who parallels the character “Puhi”. That said it is endearing to have one’s memory reacquainted with the past. A movie touching because it dives into and explores a fragment of Maori life that is not readily spoken about, Rain of The Children left an indelible mark on my consciousness and feeling on my skin.

  25. Borja says:

    Hi Mr. Ward,

    My name is Borja, I’m 20 years old and I have to say that you are simply unique. You are one of my favourite directors of all time. I really like your style, is very original and personal. And I don’t know why, but all your movies I’ve seen produce me a mixture of feelings and emotions like nostalgia, catharsis, melancholy and happiness.

    Specially your last movie, “Rain of the Children”, is simply fantastic! That combination of images with narrative is incredible. A great story!

    As I read in some places, you don’t usually make many movies, but when you do, you are the best!

    Best regards from Spain!

  26. Julia says:

    Have just watched What Dreams May Come on TV and enjoyed it as much, in fact more, than the first time many years ago. I saw Rain of the Children recently and was so moved by it. Thankyou for your gift.

  27. paul says:

    I am wondering if there is any plans to release “Vigil” on American DVD? This is a film I would love to revisit again and again.

  28. Jonathan Bridgewater says:

    I am a massive fan of alien, and on purchasing the Quadrilogy was fascinated with the feature about your vision for Alien 3 and i honestly believe it would have been a brilliant film. It was interesting to see which ideas they took from your concept. The images on this site were a real insight to your vision and inspired me to make some designs of possible posters of the film with your storyline. I hope you enjoy them.

  29. chris says:

    hello team.

    i’m a masters architecture student at vic in wellington, in a research vein of abandoned architecture, primarily using lebbeus woods as a means of aesthetic representation. clearly, science fiction is a natural path to take as it portrays much imagery that echos these ideals. it was with much pleasure, and procrastination, that i discovered the storyboarding of mr wards alien3 concept on this website, and have been routinely checking back every week for the last few months, in the hope that the final chapters will be added. please, don’t deny everyone (and by everyone, i really just mean me) the conclusion of this epic, something that saddens me to know will never be realised in its gritty melancholy. i’m a lover of good film, and have passed this site on to everyone i know who would appreciate it the same way i do – please conclude this vision, because i want to conclude my vision of it as well.

    thanks so much for this.


  30. wendy madgwick says:

    Hi Vincent,
    I am a kiwi living in the USA and would like to purchase a DVD copy of Rain of the Children if it is available. I only got to see part of the movie on a flight back from NZ and would love to see the rest.


  31. Kerry Gray says:

    Just finished watching Navigator. It’s been 20 years I suppose since I saw it and think I appreciate it so much more. Back then I loved it and now it’s strengths are a tight story, no wasted scene, effective spare lighting and effects, bare faced acting… a good film to watch.

  32. Molly Stone says:

    I’m also a painter and an independent film producer. I live in Marin County,CA. I’m currently working on a feature film about the East Timor Crises in the 1990’s. It somehow reminds me of your film Rain of the Children. You work is visualy fantastic, I only wish we could work together to tell the story of East Timor.

  33. Davide says:

    Hi Vincent,
    I just saw your work on Alien 3..I didn’t know it…it’s outstanding!!!
    those guys from fox were crazy to not produced it, could be a great movie..

  34. Fabienne Ton-Knaff says:

    I would also be interested in a DVD of ‘Rain of the Children’, I live in Switzerland…


  35. Alejandro says:

    Hi Vincent,

    I love your films very much! Vigil, Navigator, Map of the Human Heart, What dreams may come, River Queen and Rain of the Children are fantastic and wonderful films, specially Map of the Human Heart, is one of my favourite films of all time.

    It’s a pity that I can’t get your first two movies, I hope to get it someday.

    I’d like to know if you are currently planning or working on a new film.

    Thank you very much for your films.

    Cheers from Spain!

    – Alejandro.

  36. euan frizzell says:

    Saw you on TV tonight with your underwater project. Fantastic, good on ya.

    Loved ‘The Past Awaits’ especially for it’s honesty.

    All the best.

  37. Courtney Sparks says:


    What Dreams May Come is my favorite movie and it has been since my freshman year in high school. It inspired me to read the book which has since changed my outlook on life. I have searched all over the internet for a poster to hang in my dorm room in college, but can’t find one. It’s so sad! But, thank you for making such a beautiful movie.

  38. James Munro says:

    I love The Navigator and I’m sure the events surrounding Alien³ will have generated a lot of interest in the film. However it has been deleted for a very long time. I live in the UK and to get a copy I had to bid on ebay for a Spanish DVD for some considerable money.

    I realise that I have no intellectual rights to the film and that it being a creation of yours you may be protective of what happens to it. I’m asking permission if it would be possible to upload my copy of the film onto youtube? I totally understand if this would not be acceptable to you. I just think the film deserves a wider audience. I would provide a link to this website on any upload but will not do anything until I receive any permission

    Best wishes.


  39. Trisha Graham says:

    I saw The Navigator when I was living in Sydney. I just loved it. I especially remember the dates in it : 25th May (my birthday) and 7 March (wedding annv) (how scarey is that!. And (as a NZer living in Auz) I remembered it was a New Zealand-Australian collaboration.
    I have been searching for the name of this movie, like, forever… as I couldn’t remember the title, I thought it was The Seeker or The Searcher (Navigator – doh).
    I would love to see it again. I am completing my BA in History and am doing Medieaval papers.
    Re-release? TVNZ??? Plague – very topical!


  40. lisa says:

    I just watched Map of the Human Heart and i kept thinking this is strange, it’s so similar to my dream i had of a love who had died. So i kept wondering, “who wrote this??” And through that search found out you’re the same director of “What Dreams May Come” which also had, what I felt were many truths and synchronicities, just quick example, i remember dreaming about the sea of heads, except there was also a blimp in my dream…just too hard to relate it all…what really finally made me decide to write here was the fact that the very next day after watching “Map…” i was cleaning my room and because of limited space decided to put a bunch of my journals up in the attic, i decided to keep one out because it looked like an odd ball and wasn’t finished and thought i’d look it over at bedtime, and the first thing i turn to is the dream entry for October 11, 2007 that reminded me of your movie, i thought, “wow, i couldn’t have found that entry if i tried”, even though it was a dream i will never forget. Probably all doesn’t mean much to you and i can’t say i understand the synchronicity myself except that it’s definitely standing out. Went to look for your other movies but can’t seem to get any of them through Netflix streaming, hopefully someday soon, I’m very curious!

  41. D. Chambers says:

    Mr. Ward,

    Map of the Human Heart remains one of the most poignant films I have ever seen. I watched it again on Netflix tonight after much time. Afterwards, I read on Wikipedia that the movie started with a 10-page treatment you wrote. Is there any chance you would share that treatment? I’m fascinated with the challenge of moving from the treatment to the film.

    Respectfully – David

  42. Alex says:

    Vincent, You rock!!!! I am a big fan of Alien III, and even though the film’s theatrical version had holes I admired the story. Now I know where the story originated from!

    Your vision for this is fantastic and I admire the fact that you didn’t compromise on it.

    I am going to seek out your other work. Thanks for a great website and thanks because I enjoyed your contribution to a great series that is Alien!

  43. Judy says:

    Vincent, honour to be able to ‘speak’ to you. I have been trying to track down a dvd of A State of Siege. Does it exist and how much will it cost me.

    I saw just a snatch of it a couple of years back and cannot get it out of my mind.

    And now, I read that there is a film called Map of the Human Heart. What is the likelihood of that dvd being for sale?

    Thanks for ‘listening’.

  44. Judy says:

    PS Maybe we should have a Vincent Ward film festival in Auckland…

  45. lani says:

    Hi Judy,

    Thank you for your message. Vincent and he is always delighted to hear from people who have responded to his films.
    Madman released Vigil some years ago and A State of Siege was a bonus track on this DVD.
    Map of the Human Heart is distributed by MiraMax they also released a DVD a couple of years ago.
    I would suggest looking for these titles on that is where we buy them from 🙂



    Thanks again,

    Lani Feltham

  46. Libby Baker says:

    Just watched Rain of the Children last night and it is a work of art. We heard you discuss it at Puke Ariki in New Plymouth and so glad to finally see it. Thank you for your depth and sensitivity with the subject.


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