Fiona and I
Recently I saw Fiona in Sydney, where she now lives. She said: “I got a hell of a shock when I saw Vigil. I hadn’t seen it for years. Why did nobody tell me that she (Toss) is so close to me? I’m that person in the film! People said you cast it to be a bit like you.” (No, I thought)
“That the person is you, but actually it was me,”
She continued…
Fiona and I
While I didn’t agree with what she said people said about the character being like me, I was curious to know why this tom-boyish woman sitting opposite me would say this about her younger self.
Then she added “that little girl is watchful like me”.
It was then I realised that in this way we were the same.
Filming interior
Birdie (Bill Kerr) in his hut
Actor Bill Kerr would often fall asleep during the middle of filming scenes – whilst lying on this bed. I would position myself so that I could sharpely squeeze his big toe to make sure that he would stay awake during the take. He just remarried to a considerably younger woman. Full of romantic zest, reputedly he kept his wife’s knickers under his hat for warmth and good luck.
Helping one of the tangata whenua
With Alun Bollinger (Cameraman)
Alun and I worked very closely.